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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Namco Museum Vol. 1 (jp) System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-06-25 05:55:59 Views : 13282 op to bottom] of bees on the left side). Kill all the other ships except these two bees. Now, once you have killed all the other ships, let the two bees fly and shoot at you for the next 10-20 minutes (no kidding) BE PATIENT....DO NO SHOOT ONE SINGLE SHOT DURING THIS WAITING TIME. After a while you will notice that the bees stop shooting at you (once you have notices this, let the bees do 3-5 passes so that you make sure that they are not shooting ANYTHING at all. Once you are sure, kill them and for the rest of the game, cpu ships will not shoot at you PERIOD. [This is for the acrade, but the Classics disc is supposed to be a ROM-perfect port, so this should be in it.] 243rd Key: In Pacman, when you get to the 243rd key, the left half of the screen will appear normal. The right half, from the top to the bottom, will be filled with numbers and letters, all jumbled around. It's meant as an end to the game - a way to stop people from playing forever. But the dots are still there behind the garbage. You just have to persevere and play blindy. When you get past the 243rd key, the next pattern will be the cherry pattern. But the monsters don't turn blue. On the bottom of the screen, instead of the fruits and stuff, there will be two broken keys, one on each corner. You can then continue on from here normally. Galaga No Shooting Shoot every ship except the first two bees (yellow/blue) on the left side.. ie( top to bottom ) 2 ------------------ After you have isolated the bees let them fly around for the next 10-15 minutes... Eventually they will stop shooting at you, and from then on no bees will shoot. Dip Switches ------------ -=[ PAC-MAN ]=- --------- SW2 - 1: TEST SWITCH SW2 - 2: PAUSE SW2 - 3: NUMBER OF PAC-MANS AT START SW2 - 4: NUMBER OF PAC-MANS AT START SW2 - 5: BONUS PAC-MANS SW2 - 6: BONUS PAC-MANS SW2 - 7: VIDEO MODE (ARCADE SIDEWAYS/NORMAL) SW2 - 8: --- --------------- -=[ POLE POSITION ]=- --------------- SW2 - 1: TEST SWITCH SW2 - 2: PAUSE SW2 - 3: --- SW2 - 4: --- SW2 - 5: --- SW2 - 6: PRELIMINARY TIME LIMIT SW2 - 7: PRELIMINARY TIME LIMIT SW2 - 8: GOAL SW3 - 1: ADDITIONAL TIME SW3 - 2: ADDITIONAL TIME SW3 - 3: ADDITIONAL TIME SW3 - 4: PRELIMINARY PASSING STANDARD SW3 - 5: PRELIMINARY PASSING STANDARD SW3 - 6: PRELIMINARY PASSING STANDARD SW3 - 7: --- SW3 - 8: DEMO SOUND --------- -=[ RALLY-X ]=- --------- SW2 - 1: TEST SWITCH SW2 - 2: PAUSE SW2 - 3: --- SW2 - 4: --- SW2 - 5: NUMBER OF MY CARS AT START SW2 - 6: BONUS MY CARS SW2 - 7: BONUS MY CARS SW2 - 8: --- ------------- -=[ NEW RALLY-X ]=- ------------- SW2 - 1: TEST SWITCH SW2 - 2: PAUSE SW2 - 3: --- SW2 - 4: --- SW2 - 5: NUMBER OF MY CARS AT START SW2 - 6: BONUS MY CARS SW2 - 7: BONUS MY CARS SW2 - 8: --- -------- -=[ GALAGA ]=- -------- SW2 - 1: TEST SWITCH SW2 - 2: VIDEO MODE (ARCADE SIDEWAYS/NORMAL) SW2 - 3: VIDEO MODE (PANORAMA/NORMAL) SW2 - 4: BONUS FIGHTERS SW2 - 5: BONUS FIGHTERS SW2 - 6: BONUS FIGHTERS SW2 - 7: NUMBER OF FIGHTERS AT START SW2 - 8: NUMBER OF FIGHTERS AT START SW3 - 1: --- SW3 - 2: --- SW3 - 3: --- SW3 - 4: DEMO SOUND SW3 - 5: PAUSE SW3 - 6: --- SW3 - 7: --- SW3 - 8: --- ----------- -=[ BOSCONIAN ]=- ----------- SW2 - 1: TEST SWITCH SW2 - 2: --- SW2 - 3: --- SW2 - 4: BONUS SPACE PATROLLERS SW2 - 5: BONUS SPACE PATROLLERS SW2 - 6: BONUS SPACE PATROLLERS SW2 - 7: NUMBER OF SPACE PATROLLERS (SHIPS) AT START SW2 - 8: NUMBER OF SPACE PATROLLERS (SHIPS) AT START SW3 - 1: --- SW3 - 2: --- SW3 - 3: CONTINUE SW3 - 4: DEMO SOUND SW3 - 5: PAUSE SW3 - 6: --- SW3 - 7: --- SW3 - 8: --- --------- -=[ TOY POP ]=- --------- SW2 - 1: TEST SWITCH SW2 - 2: --- SW2 - 3: --- SW2 - 4: --- SW2 - 5: --- SW2 - 6: --- SW2 - 7: NUMBER OF PINO/ACHA's (MEN) AT START SW2 - 8 NUMBER OF PINO/ACHA's (MEN) AT START SW3 - 1: BONUS PINO/ACHA's SW3 - 2: --- SW3 - 3: --- SW3 - 4: CONTINUE SW3 - 5: DEMO SOUND SW3 - 6: --- SW3 - 7: LEVEL SELECT SW3 - 8: --- On the first stage, do not shoot at the ships as they go into their formation. Once all the ships have gone into formation, isolate the first two (yellow/blue bees) on the left side (meaning...first column Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Namco Museum Vol. 1 (jp) cheat codes.
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